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IEEE Final Year Project Topics for CSE

Base Paper Title

Parking Reservation Auction for Parked Vehicle Assistance in Vehicular Fog Computing

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IEEE Project Abstract

Vehicular fog computing (VFC) is a promising approach to provide ultra-low-latency service to vehicles and end users by extending the fog computing to conventional vehicular networks. Parked vehicle assistance (PVA), as a critical technique in VFC, can be integrated with smart parking in order to exploit its full potentials. In this paper, we propose a smart VFC system by combining both PVA and smart parking. A VFC aware parking reservation auction is proposed to guide the on the-move vehicles to the available parking places with less effort and meanwhile exploit the fog capability of parked vehicles to assist the delay-sensitive computing services by monetary rewards to compensate for their service cost. The proposed allocation rule maximizes the aggregate utility of the smart vehicles and the proposed payment rule guarantees incentive compatibility,individual rationality, and budget balance. We further provide an observation stage with dynamic offload pricing update to improve the offload efficiency and the profit of fog system. The simulation results confirmed the win-win performance enhancement to the fog node controller (FNC), the smart vehicles and the parking places from the proposed design.

Existing System

Drawback of Existing System

Proposed System

Advantage of Proposed System

Enhancement from Base Paper


Technology Used : Hardware & Software

Existing Algorithm

Proposed Algorithm

Advantages of Proposed Algorithm

Project Modules

Literature Survey


Future Work

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