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IEEE Final Year Project Topics for CSE

Base Paper Title

Joint Cotask-Aware Offloading and Scheduling in Mobile Edge Computing Systems

Our Title

IEEE Project Abstract

Mobile edge computing (MEC) systems provide mobile devices (MDs) with low-latency cloud services by deploying edge servers (ESs) in the vicinity. In fact, various mobile applications may generatecotasks, each of which is completed only if all its constituent tasks are finished. Existing works have been devoted to the design ofMECofoading and scheduling, but none of them exploits the cotask feature to better utilize the networked computing resources. In this paper, we investigate the problem of joint cotask-awareofoading and scheduling in MEC systems (Cool-Edge), and we formulate it as a mixed integer non-linearprogram (MINLP), the objective of which is to minimize average cotask completion time (ACCT). To cope with the Cool-Edge problem, we propose two low-complexity algorithms to ofoad cotasks based on an L Prounding technique and schedule them according to an earliest-cotask-arrival-first rule, respectively, and we further prove the approximation factor jointly achieved by the two algorithms. Finally, we conduct testbed experiments and simulations to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed solution, and we also show how ACCT varies with the network environment.

Existing System

Drawback of Existing System

Proposed System

Advantage of Proposed System

Enhancement from Base Paper


Technology Used : Hardware & Software

Existing Algorithm

Proposed Algorithm

Advantages of Proposed Algorithm

Project Modules

Literature Survey


Future Work

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