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IEEE Final Year Project Topics for CSE

Base Paper Title

Vision-based Approaches for Automatic Food Recognition and Dietary Assessment: A Survey

Our Title

IEEE Project Abstract

Consuming the proper amount and right type of food have been the concern of many dieticians and healthcare conventions. In addition to physical activity and exercises, maintaining a healthy diet is necessary to avoid obesity and other health-related issues such as diabetes, stroke, and many cardiovascular diseases. Recent advancements in machine learning applications and technologies have made it possible to develop automatic or semi-automatic dietary assessment solutions, which is a more convenient approach to monitor daily food intake and control eating habits. These solutions aim to address the issues found in traditional dietary monitoring systems that suffer from imprecision, under reporting, time consumption, and low adherence. In this survey, recent vision-based approaches and techniques have been widely explored to outline the current approaches and methodologies used for automatic dietary assessment, their performances, feasibility, and unaddressed challenges and issues.

Existing System

Drawback of Existing System

Proposed System

Advantage of Proposed System

Enhancement from Base Paper


Technology Used : Hardware & Software

Existing Algorithm

Proposed Algorithm

Advantages of Proposed Algorithm

Project Modules

Literature Survey


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